Announcement of Opening Nominations to the Membership of the Gulf International Services Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Gulf International Services (GIS) is pleased to announce the opening of nominations for the membership of the Board of Directors for shareholder (individuals and companies) for four seats for a term of three (3) years (2018-2021).
Terms of Nomination:
- The candidate shall not be less than 21 years of age and shall have full legal capacity.
- The candidate shall not be convicted of a criminal penalty or crime involving moral turpitude, dishonesty, or of any of such offenses referred to in Article 40 of Law no. 8 of 2012 of Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA) and in Articles 334 and 335 of Law no. 11 of 2015 promulgating the Commercial Companies Law, and shall not be prevented from practicing any work in bodies subject to the Authority's jurisdiction under Article 35 (paragraph 12) of Law no. 8 of 2012 referred to, or has been declared bankrupt, unless he has been rehabilitated.
- The candidate shall own a number of shares not less than one hundred thousand (100,000) shares in GIS. Such shares shall be allocated to guarantee the equities of GIS, shareholders, creditors and third party for the liability that may be on the members of the Board of Directors. These shares shall be deposited within one week as of the date of the commencement of membership and shall remain in deposit and not subject to trading, pledge or attachment until the membership term comes to an end and the financial statements of the last financial year in which the director discharged his duties are approved. If the member fails to submit the guarantee as mentioned above, nomination papers will not be accepted.
- The candidate, whether in his personal capacity or as a representative of one of the corporate persons, shall not be a member of the board of directors in a company engaged in business activities similar to those of the company or its affiliates.
- The candidate, whether in his personal capacity or as a representative of one of the corporate persons, shall not be a member of the Boards of more than two Qatari shareholding companies.
- The candidate, whether in his personal capacity or as a representative of one of the corporate persons, shall not be a Chairman or Vice Chairman of more than one Qatari shareholding company.
Required Documents:
First: For Individuals:
- A copy of the shares ownership updated statement issued from Qatar Central Securities Depository not exceeding one (1) week from the date of issuance.
- A copy of Qatari ID or a copy of passport.
- A filled out application form accompanied by the required nomination documents, completed with all the necessary information.
Second: For Companies:
- A copy of the shares ownership updated statement issued from Qatar Central Securities Depository not exceeding one (1) week from the date of issuance.
- A copy of the commercial register.
- A filled out application form accompanied by the required nomination documents, completed with all the necessary information.
- A letter from the company’s legal representative, stamped by company’s seal, authorizing the candidate to take all the necessary steps for the nomination. Such letter shall be served to the Chairman of GIS Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
- A copy of Qatari ID or a copy of passport of the candidate as a representative of the company.
- Shareholders wishing to apply for nomination will need to fill the required form below, or to visit the management of company at Qatar Petroleum Headquarters, World Trade Center, 42nd Floor, Office (4202) to obtain the required form.
- Applications shall be received during the working hours (7:30 am - 2:30 pm) starting Thursday 01/02/2018 until the end of working hours on Sunday 11/02/2018. Applications shall be submitted by hand accompanied with all completed documents and questionnaires required at Qatar Petroleum Headquarters, World Trade Center, 42nd Floor, Office (4202).
- Applications submitted after the date specified above or not meeting the requirements shall be disregarded.
- Elections shall take place during the meeting of the Company’s Ordinary General Assembly scheduled to held on 05/03/2018, which the agenda of which shall be announced fifteen (15) days before the meeting.