DOHA, QATAR - Gulf Drilling International, Ltd (Q.S.C.) (“GDI”) announced that it has purchased from ENSCO Offshore International Company (“Ensco”) the jack-up drilling rig known as “ENSCO-95” on 22nd June. The rig is a 3 legged Hitachi cantilevered drilling rig rated for 250 feet of water depth. GDI are most satisfied with the fine cooperation and support that ENSCO has extended to make this transaction possible. This is not GDI’s first encounter with Ensco as the Al-Rayyan jack-up rig (formerly the ENSCO-55) was acquired from them back in 2005.
GDI will have a full Special Survey performed prior to placing the rig into service in order to obtain a new Class Certificate. This will necessitate the rig being put into shipyard for a 3 to 4 month period where major refurbishment will be done. The rig will be deployed for operating in Qatari waters on completion.
About Gulf Drilling International Ltd (Q.S.C)
GDI is a subsidiary of Gulf International Services (Q.S.C.) (“GIS”), a holding company listed on the Qatar Stock Exchange. Formed in 2004, GDI has a fleet of nine (9) drilling rigs, all located in Qatar, consisting of 5 offshore Jack-up rigs and 4 onshore rigs. GDI has also placed orders for two new hi-tech rigs for delivery in Q3-2013 and Q3-2014, making the premier provider of drilling services in Qatar to a number of world class clients.
About Ensco plc
Ensco plc (NYSE: ESV) brings energy to the world as a global provider of offshore drilling services to the petroleum industry. With a fleet of ultra-deepwater semisubmersible and premium jackup drilling rigs, Ensco serves customers with high-quality equipment, a well-trained workforce and a strong record of safety and reliability. Ensco recently earned the top rating for overall customer satisfaction in the leading independent survey conducted by EnergyPoint Research with #1 rankings in eleven separate categories. To learn more about Ensco, please visit our website at www.enscoplc.com. Ensco plc is an English limited company (England No. 7023598) with its registered office and corporate headquarters located at 6 Chesterfield Gardens, London W1J 5BQ.