Gulf Drilling International (GDI), Qatar’s first onshore and offshore oil & gas drilling services company, has celebrated the company’s 5th Anniversary by rewarding its long term employees with gifts and certificates.
GDI awarded long term employees who have been loyal to the company for its entire 5 year existence. Gifts and certificates were presented and the company expressed its appreciation to all those who helped in achieving the company’s goals during those 5 years.
GDI began operations on 18 May 2004 as the first onshore and offshore oil and gas drilling services provider in Qatar. Amongst the company’s long list of achievements during its first 5 years are ownership of 9 state-of-the-art, fully utilized drilling rigs (4 land and 5 offshore jack-up rigs), recruiting a workforce of almost 1,000 staff, achieving ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 14001 Environment and OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety certification, and being listed on the Doha Securities Market through its parent company, Gulf International Services (GIS) Q.S.C
Demonstrating the company’s commitment to providing safe working conditions for all employees, in addition to OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety certification GDI has achieved a remarkable Total Recorded Incident Rate (TRIR) of 0.62, significantly lower than the GCC target of 0.92 TRIR.
Oil and gas being key sectors of the Qatari economy, GDI is committed to an aggressive and successful Qatarization policy, making recruitment of qualified and capable Qatari nationals, and their personal development a top priority .